Hi there my name is Eileen Jordan. I have been a community organiser since the original program in 2012 and have continued my work within the Staffordshire community since that time. Currently I am part of a community business in Stafford called Old Chapel Works which has been awarded the status of Social Action Hub within the new Community Organising Expansion Programme. My role within the program is an “experienced community organiser” ECO which involves training and supporting residents and community groups to train in the practices and processes of community organising.
Recently as part of the program, a group of trainees who had under gone one day training, listened to their local communities concerns and supported them to take action in a positive and proactive manner. Together they decided to clear an unused area and bring it back to use for the local community. The residents organised themselves to find funding from the local councillors and with this, were able to include raised beds to grow vegetables, a bug hotel and a sensory part for children to play and enjoy. The project was a great success and from this we hope a new residents group will be formed over the coming months. If you would like to know more about community organising in Staffordshire …please get in touch!