Join the Online Community

As a 'supporter of the movement' in the Community Organisers network, you get the opportunity to be part of our wonderful, welcoming, online community group, on Facebook.

This connects you to the wider support network of community organisers, enabling you to reach out to one another for practical help and advice on all things related to community organising.

It is also your space to share some of the wonderful community organising work you have been doing in your communities and hear positive stories from across our networks.

Sign up through Join the Movement, and join us on Facebook to see the latest:

  • News and updates from the Community Organisers team
  • Jobs and opportunities related to community organising
  • Stories of community organising in the media
  • Discussion groups created directly by supporters of the movement
  • Opportunities to talk directly to the Community Organisers staff team,  Social Action Hubs and other people in the network

The steps you need to take to join the Community Organisers Online Community

  1. Sign up as a ‘supporter of the movement


Upload a photo profile

Be active!

Share your organising stories

Ask questions

An atmosphere of mutual respect

Speak for ourselves, not others

Make your content appropriate to the site

Framework Focus

Learn more about community organising and our Community Organising Framework through our self-directed online learning series called 'Framework Focus'. The course consists of over 7 hours of learning split across 70 videos and the first module on 'Reach' is free!

Find out more