Community Organising Compared

Over the last 10 years the team have had many fascinating conversations about what community organising is, and what indeed it isn't. This book, aims to set out what we believe community organising is, and how it is both distinct and unique from other participatory approaches

Over the course of the book, we have set out how we believe community organising differs from the huge range of methods and approaches to developing community, strengthening democracy  and fighting for social justice which are all available to those who seek change.

So, if you are interested in seeking change and are asking yourself which approach to choose, what distinctive role community organising can play and what may differentiate a community organiser from other community workers this book is the place to start.

This is an extremely useful publication which demystifies different approaches to citizenship and participation. It's very helpful when making decisions about best to invest resources to get the best outcomes. Poor health and wellbeing is associated with a lack of control over your circumstances. Community organising demonstrates a way to give people back this control and addresses issues of inequality and lack of power in a positive way
Anna Hartley FFPH - Director of Public Health, Wakefield Council

Buy the book today for £12.99 including postage and packaging, which now includes an insert of our new chapter “Corporate Community Organising”.

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(Please note we only distribute to the UK, if you are outside the UK get in touch with us to discuss postage options).

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